In compliance with Google and Yahoo's new unsubscribe requirements. Swift Digital is implementing the 'One-Click Unsubscribe' link for outgoing communications.
A One-Click Unsubscribe link will display for Mail House contacts, and if one or more Mail Groups were selected for the publication.
What is a One-Click Unsubscribe link? 
A One-Click 'List Unsubscribe' link can be seen in the inbox, next to the Sender Name when viewing an email.
This Unsubscribe link or 'List-Unsubscribe' allows recipients to unsubscribe from the Mail Groups included for this publication. The One-Click unsubscribe link should not redirect the reader from their inbox/page.
This link is automatically generated by the recipients email client according to the 'List-Unsubscribe' information. Its appearance, placement and text cannot be edited.
The link may or may not be visible for some contacts, depending on the particular inbox settings / version / update requirements for the recipients email application.
What does clicking the List Unsubscribe link do?
The action performed is set at the Account level.
Default: Clicks to the List-Unsubscribe link will 'remove' the contact from all Mail Groups used when publishing the email
Global: Clicks to the List-Unsubscribe link will Unsubscribe the contact from all communications, and place an Unsubscribe Stamp on their contact profile in the Mail House.
If your Account regularly deletes and/or re-imports Mail Groups, please opt for the Global action for your account.
Note: To change your Account settings from the Default action to the Global action, please contact your Account Manager.
How to check for a One-Click Unsubscribe link
- View the email in your Inbox
- Click one the 'three dots' icon to view the email options
- Click to 'View Original Message'
- Within the 'original message' text, search for 'list-unsubscribe' (using 'CTRL+F')
- ARC-Message-Signature contains 'list-unsubscribe' in header 'h=':
- List-Unsubscribe is defined as 'One-Click', and has a URL assigned.
Here <URL> indicates the Unsubscribe process used.
- ARC-Message-Signature contains 'list-unsubscribe' in header 'h=':
Who will NOT see the one-click unsubscribe link? 
- Event Participants - Event communications for registered guests are not subscription based.
- Ad-Hoc email addresses - Contact was manually elected to receive the email.
- Recipients requiring inbox updated - Inbox has difficulty displaying/generating the link
- Recipients with custom inbox settings - Inbox may be set to hide the autogenerated unsubscribe button.
How can I see if someone has used the 'One-Click Unsubscribe'?
View the Email Composer Report.
Just below the 'Detailed Report' heading, you'll see a button for viewing the Subscription activity for this email. Here you can see who has clicked on the one-click unsubscribe link.
View Contact in Profile360
For a more in-depth view per-contact, see the Contacts activity in Profile360. Here you can see if, when and what Mail Groups this contact was unsubscribed from as a result of clicking the one-click unsubscribe link. Profile360 is an advanced module for tracking activity and engagement - enquire today!