New Inbox Protection Rules From Yahoo and Gmail


Late last year Yahoo and Gmail delivered some email deliverability news. We summarise what it is and what it means for your emails.
(7 minute read)

The new rules tighten the existing rules regarding email deliverability, which Swift Digital takes very seriously.

But If you are already doing the right things regarding email deliverability, then there isn’t much for you to do, and there is no need for cause of concern.

So, what are the new rules? We have a rundown of what they are below and what you need to do.

Gmail and Yahoo from February will require all email senders (that’s you!) to follow these guidelines:
  • Authenticate sending domains
  • Stay below the spam rate threshold
  • DMARC for 5,000+ emails

Let’s break these down into Lehman's terms.


1. Authenticate Sending Domains
When setting up your Swift Digital account, we ensure we authenticate your sending domain before you can send emails. Why? It is very important and is about to become even more important!

You can no longer use free email domains (such as Gmail, and Yahoo) to send emails.

This is because email senders are now required to adhere to authentication protocols. 

What do you need to do?

Good news! Most Swift Digital accounts do not use free email domains. Using free email domains is not a good practice, and with Swift Digital's high-level client base, it is not the norm, nor do we recommend it.

If you do, please contact our support team about setting up a new sender domain to ensure you comply with the new rules. They will be happy to help! 

2. Spam Rate Threshold

New email policies from Gmail and Yahoo include a new spam rate of 0.3%. Google and Yahoo enforce a spam rate threshold to manage the volume of spam emails and improve user experience by reducing clutter in people's inboxes. A cluttered inbox is not cool. 
Swift Digital’s email deliverability team monitors spam traps across all accounts. As part of our service and to ensure you maintain a high email deliverability rate, we will be in touch with you if we suspect you have spam trap addresses in your database, and will assist you in rectifying the issue. 

3. DMARC Record

Lastly, your DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication Reporting and Conformance) record on your sending domain will become super important if you send it to over 5000 contacts. 

Having DMARC implemented means you are able to limit the impact of attacks such as phishing and also prevent spoofing and scams.

Swift Digital works with all accounts to get DMARC set up, it is a crucial authentication piece but, unfortunately, often gets overlooked by some IT departments. Good news! That will not be the case anymore, they will not be able to overlook the implementation of DMARC.

What do you need to do?

Most Swift Digital accounts have DMARC in place on their sender domain, this is something we make sure is set up when you onboard with us. If you send to over 5000 contacts at a time and haven’t set up your DMARC or are unsure if you have your DMARC set up, feel free to contact Swift Digital’s support team, who can check for you.

We can then help you get this set up so your email send goes uninterrupted.

Let’s celebrate a more spam-free future!
The changes Gmail and Yahoo are implementing this February are to make our inboxes a safer place.

Embracing and adopting these changes will improve your email deliverability, uphold your brand reputation and increase your audience's trust.

Email deliverability has never been the most exciting subject. Still, if you care about ensuring your emails land in your recipient’s inbox, you should definitely be invested in email deliverability!
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