To merge two Mail Groups you will need to decide which Mail Group will house both list of contacts. We refer to this as the Target Mail Group.
In the Mail House, go to the Mail Group Tab, find the Mail Group you want to move contacts from (Source Mail Group) and to the Target Mail Group. For example, we are Merging contacts from Mail Group 1 and Mail Group 2. Select Source Mail Group - Mail Group 1. On the Action drop down, click on Merge.
If a contact belongs to both groups, they will NOT be duplicated. They will appear in the Mail Group only once.
Select the Target Mail Group from the list below:
Once selected, you can toggle to right Remove source mail group, which means that Mail Group 1 will be deleted and all contacts on there will be moved to Mail Group 2. If you did not toggle Remove Source Mail Group, Mail Group 1 will not be deleted but all contacts on it will be moved or transferred to Mail Group 2.
It will show confirm Merge Mail Group Message, click on Yes, merge mail group to proceed.
It will take you back to the Folder of the List of Mail Groups. Click on Update to view the total number of contacts in the Target Mail Group.