Hard Refresh or Hard Reload and Empty Cache

Kindly save any changes to documents before performing this action.


Hard Refresh: 

On your browser, either on Chrome or Edge, while on Email Composer or Dashboard, please hold

 CTRL + F5 (for Windows OS)

 Command + SHIFT + R (for MAC OS).

The page will reload. You may be required to log-in if your session has expired. 

If Hard Refresh does not work. Next option is to do an Empty Cache and Hard Reload on your browser. 

Empty Cache and Hard Reload: 

On your browser, either on Chrome or Edge, while on Email Composer or Dashboard:

  • Right click > Inspect -- It will open Dev Tools on the right.
  • On the refresh button right beside the web address bar > Right Click and select:
  • Empty Cache and Hard Reload.

Once done, please try to perform your desired action.


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