I've uploaded a File in the File Library. How do I create the downloadable link as a Link Button?

Email Composer has different features that you can use in various ways!

If you uploaded a File into the File Library, instead of using the Insert File mceclip0.png to create a link for the file have uploaded into File Library, you can use a Link Button for it to enhance the look and feel of your email. 

1. Once you have the inserted File Library link, right click the text, and click onto Edit Link. It will open a window that will show the URL to download the file.





2. Copy the URL, by holding ctrl + C.

Then add your Link Button. Paste the copied URL on the Button Link field by holding ctrl + V. Once you done this, click insert to apply the changes.



3. Now that you have your link to download file as a button link, you can remove the File Library's hyperlinked text. 



What's Next?

Can I change a file stored in the File Library?

Upload Size Limitations and Library Storage Capacity

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