How do I create a Landing Page? (A-step-by-step guide)


A Landing Page is a stand alone web page for a marketing or advertising campaign. It is where a visitor would "land" after they have click on a link from an email or you can use a Landing Page as a Subscription Page. 

In Swift Digital, we made it easier to create Landing Pages that fit your marketing needs.

We introduce the Landing Page Module. You can choose this under "Choose a Module" on the upper left hand corner of the Swift Digital Dashboard. 


Steps in Creating a New Landing Page: 

1. Once you are on the Landing Page Module, you can click on the green button that says "New Page".


2. On the next window you would need to select the following and click Ok : 
    Wireframe - Refers to the overall structure on how the Landing Page will look like. 
    Theme - You can choose from the drop down the Standard Themes that we have or if you have a         
                   custom built Theme set up for your Organisation you can choose it from here. 
    Width - You can set in pixels how wide the Landing page you would want it to be. 


3. On the left hand side of your document are the different Widgets that you can use to build your Landing Page. 
    You can drag and drop of each of these Widgets into an empty block



Create a block of text with a heading, images, read-more links and more. Enable quicklinks and sharing icons on a case-by-case basis.



Insert an image with an optional caption. Composer will automatically size the image to fit the block.



Create a horizontal divider between your blocks to enhance the look and feel of your emails or landing pages.



Insert a YouTube video with an optional caption. Composer will automatically set up a preview image and hyperlink it to the YouTube page.



Insert and set up a navigation bar. Add and adjust the links and link text.



Insert a quicklinks menu. Composer will automatically list the article blocks that have quicklinks enabled.



Insert a set of sharing buttons for readers to share the whole email. These include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Printing and Forward to a Friend.


Event Calendar

Insert a calendar to list upcoming events. Select a calendar to show and add and adjust the event details that are listed. This option is only available to Suite accounts with an Events license.


Event RSVP

Insert a block containing a register and decline button for a specific event. This option is only available to Suite accounts with an Events license.


Google Map

Insert a Google Map. Add and adjust a heading, introductory text, and an address. The address can also be pulled from an event in the Events module.



Insert an archive menu. Select the folder/s and Composer will automatically list and link the published editions.

4. Adding the CTA Form. You can drag and drop the CTA Form Widget on an empty block. A CTA (stands for Call-to-Action) is an image or line of text that prompts your visitors, leads, and customers to take action. It is, quite literally, a "call" to take an "action". You can go over the details of how to use a CTA Form here


5. Once you are done adding details on your Landing page, you can click on Desktop or mobile preview so you can see how it looks like and then Click on Save. 


6. The Final Step would be activating your Landing Page.

After you have activated the Landing Page, you can now use it's URL and add it to your Email Composer and other Documents. 

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