The easiest way to edit the URL of a Link Button is to remove and then re-add it. You would need to through the steps of adding the link button again that you can find here.
However, there is still another way to change just the URL or view what URL is on the Button Link.
You would need to click on the Source Code from the Email Composer text editor.
You would know that you are on the Link Button section when you see this codes :
<span class="CKLinkButtonWrapper" contenteditable="false"><img alt="CTB|Link Button">
The URL or Link is can be found where it says data-href=, it will be enclosed inside ( " " ):
In the code above the URL is
Replacing the link is a bit tricky, make sure that you will not accidentally delete any characters or other codes to make this work, most importantly the (" ") before the URL or link.