Can I export a list of all my Swift Digital Account users?

Accessing a list of all your Swift Digital Account users is an excellent way of keeping track of active and inactive users. 

By cleaning up the list of current users, you will be able to monitor the number of people in your organisation who have access the the Swift Digital Suite Platform. 

In order to delete users, please follow this article here.


Steps required to export Swift Digital Account Users

  1. Go to the Administration Module and access the Account Users tab.
  2. On the right, you will be able to click the mceclip0.png button. 
  3. Once downloaded, it will be available in your downloads section of your web browser. 



The downloaded file will provide you with the following details:

  • User: Full Name of the user
  • Email Address: Email Address that has been given access to the Swift Digital Suite Platform. 
  • Phone Number: Landline Number associated with the Swift Digital Account User. 
  • Mobile Number: Mobile Number associated with the Swift Digital Account User. 
  • Role: Assists you with distinguishing whether the user is an Administrator or regular User. 
  • Status: Displays whether the user is Active or Inactive
  • Last login attempt: Last time a User has attempted to access the Swift Digital Suite Platform. 
  • Created by: Administrator's name who provided access to the User. 
  • Created date: The date and time, the User was given access to the Swift Digital Suite Platform. 
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