You may have cloned or created a new event in EventsDesk and would like to use a previously created Registration Form.
EventsDesk will allow you to do this in a few easy steps!
Note: If your event currently has a form attached, please ensure that you have removed it before copying an existing form from the Registration Form library.
Steps to copy an existing Registraton form to an Event.
1. Go to EventsDesk and access the Registration Form tab
2. In the search Box, type in the name of registration form you would like to copy to your cloned/new Event.
Tick the box to select it and click copy.
3. Enter in a new form name, as this will be the name of the new registration form.
4. Choose the Event where you want to copy this Registration Form to. Note, that your event must not have a form attached. If so, click delete and ensure that there is no form attached.
5. Go back to EventsDesk > Forms tab, and you will be able to see that the Registration Form has been copied.