EventsDesk: Self check-in feature with Swift Digital Events App

Self check-in allows guests to sign themselves into an event. This eliminates the need for a front desk service whereby, guests are entering in their name or scanning the QR code on their confirmation tickets. 

This self check-in feature is only available for events created in the Events Desk module. You will need to ensure that you have the Swift Digital Events app downloaded on your phone or tablet.

Instructions on how to access and install the app can be found here.

How do I enable Self Check-In mode in the app?

To ensure that your event is available for self check-in mode, you must go to the Events Desk Module and generate a pin. Below are the steps required for this:

  1. Go to Event Settings

  2. Click on Event App tab (This is the tab beside Communications)

  3. Navigate to self check-in pin section

  4. Click on generate pin icon (Pin will be generated after clicking the icon)

  5. Click on save button at the top to ensure that this pin is activated. 


There are two options for self check-in and both options can be enabled:

  • Name Search - uses guest's first and last name to check-in.

  • QR Code - uses the QR code in the ticket confirmation sent to the booking-agent.

Displaying a message pre check-in:

If you want to show a message on the pre check-in page:

  1. Navigate to pre check-in section (Section below the footer image section)

  2. Input the message in the pre check-in field e.g. Click on confirm check-in button to mark yourself as attended in this event.

  3. Click on save button

Displaying a message post check-in:

If you want to show a message on the post check-in page:

  1. Navigate to post check-in section (Section below the pre check-in section)
  2. Enter the message in the post check-in field e.g. Click on print name tag button to print your name tag. Once printing is done, click on finish button.

There is an option to also enable fields that you may want to pull through in the post check-in summary page. This can be useful to ensure that the guest checked-in themselves and not another guest. Below is an example of the email field being enabled in the post check-in summary page: 




Post Check-in



Enabling print name tag on post check-in page:

You can allow guests to print their name tags on post check-in by:

  1. Navigating to name tag section (Section below the post check-in section)

  2. Click on the enable name tag printing toggle option

  3. Select a template e.g. AveryL7414

  4. Click on save button

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