EventsDesk: How can I add in a cancellation link in my event's email reminders?

Adding a cancellation link will allow your event's booking-agents to cancel their registration when you have sent out reminders to attend an event. 

The steps required are:

  1. Check that your email is linked to the correct event. This step is critical, as it ensures that the link cancels booking-agents from the correct event, and not a past linked event. Steps on this can be found here.
  2. In your email add the following URL: {!E2_CANCEL_LINK!}.
  3. Ensure that the URL is using the <other> protocol as this is a Swift Digital link. 2021-04-20_14-38-46.png
  4. Once this is done, you will need to select participants in the publishing screen, and select the status group you'd like to send the email to. This article here will assist you with who to publish to depending on the communication being sent out. 2021-04-20_14-52-03.png

Testing the cancellation function

Testing this functionality will require you to publish the email to yourself as an event booking-agent. The email will pick up your Order ID and allow you to cancel your registration via the cancel link.


Note: If you are testing the link in a live event with a large number of guests, place yourself in the staff list and ensure you publish the email to "Staff". 

You can also mark yourself as "Attended" if there are no other guest/s are marked as "Attended" yet from the Registration Tab. Then publish the email to "Attended".


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