EventsDesk: What fonts are accepted in CPD templates?

The Events Desk module will allow you to import your own CPD certificate templates. These can be used to send out to attendees after they have attended your event. 

What fonts are accepted?

Below are a list of fonts that work well with the CPD certificate templates. The below fonts will ensure that your certificate displays clearly when sent to event attendees, post event. 

Accepted Fonts: 

  • courier : Courier

  • courierB : Courier Bold

  • courierBI : Courier Bold Italic

  • courierI : Courier Italic

  • helvetica : Helvetica

  • helveticaB : Helvetica Bold

  • helveticaBI : Helvetica Bold Italic

  • helveticaI : Helvetica Italic

  • symbol : Symbol

  • times : Times New Roman

  • timesB : Times New Roman Bold

  • timesBI : Times New Roman Bold Italic

  • timesI : Times New Roman Italic

  • zapfdingbats : Zapf Dingbats

Extra Tip! 

It's recommended to not have bleeding borders appear in your CPD certificates. The reason for this is because this can cause extra white spacing to appear in your certificates when they are published to your event attendees.

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