The Email Composer Module provides users with the ability to insert YouTube videos via a shared URL. This is done through the YouTube widget, which redirects the email recipient to the web version of the email.
Unlike web pages emails are viewed through email browsers. Most email browsers won't display an embedded video. Instead, the Suite takes a thumbnail from YouTube as a placeholder. This image is then saved in the Swift Digital server. Once your recipient clicks through to the video, they will be redirected to the web version of the email, and the video plays within it.
As Emails are static pages, the YouTube video displays a specific frame from the video, which is selected by the uploader of the video.
When users add YouTube videos in Email Composer, the Suite stores the original frame that was selected by the owner. Therefore, any updates made after the initial upload of the video will not be displayed in the email.
It's advised that users re-upload their YouTube videos and re-select the desired thumbnail if other changes are required.
By re-uploading the video, YouTube should provide the video with a new link and this will successfully render the updated thumbnail.
If there are any questions, please feel free to contact the Support Team at