What is A/B testing and how does it work?


A/B Testing is strictly for subject lines only and can not be used for other variables related to your email.

A/B Testing gives you the option to test the effectiveness and popularity of 2 different subject lines for your one email blast. The sending of subject lines are nominated at random, meaning users won't be able to manually select who will part of the subject line testing. 

Each subject line will be sent to 10% of the mailing list(s) that have been loaded in the "send to" section of the publishing wizard.



Steps to successfully apply A/B testing

1. After selecting A/B Split, 2 subject line fields will appear.2019-02-22_16-36-45.png

2. Create a unique subject line for each field shown. Each subject line will select 10% of the mailing list(s) at random.

3. The other 80% will receive the subject line with the highest open rate.

4. You can also edit the time it takes for the data to collect.  Below the three text areas is: After [10 mins] send the rest to the most popular subject line. The drop down menu allows you to specify the amount of time you wish the broadcaster to wait before selecting the most popular subject line and sending to the rest of the recipients. The longer you wait, the more accurate the statistics collected on the popularity of the subject line, will be. 




If you wish to view the report statistics on the send (as well as story clicks, etc) then go to:
Email Composer > Reports > Select Folder and Document.

Each of your subject lines will display as a separate job report; giving you insight into the activity of a recipient dependent on the subject line of the email.

It's important to know that the opens for the A/B tested subject lines do not stop recording. Therefore, if a subject line appears to have won, and the other was sent to the remainder; more opens were reported after the test period.

It is also worth noting that Apple's Mail Privacy Protection (MPP) now affects open rates.


What's Next?

Testing an Email

How do I test that personalisations in my email work?

Average open rates by industry

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