EventsClassic: Name Label printing

Printing from a web application to a pdf is not an easy task, so to ensure that positioning of the content and the label works always use an approved name label paper/sticker that is compatible with your Desktop and 'Airprint' when using Event App.

Desktop printing 10 labels per page (88mm x 52mm): Avery L7427.

Air printing when using Event App, recommended printers: Brother QL-720NW & Brother QL-810W.

Using the attached template, practice printing your name labels. Print them first and return them to the print tray to print labels on top. If the spacing looks fine, you can swap to use real labels. 

To print well on the L7427 (which is a classy linen style sticker) use laser printing. 


1. Don't choose "fit to print" on your printing settings.

2. Don't cram to fit line items, as the paper in the print tray and print roller moves. There will always be some changes of misalignment. Give it a nice white margin around to let the label float in the centre. 

3. Don't trust colour printing from your desktop. If you really want an exact logo colour match, have your labels reprinted by professionals before printing the content. 


Note: If you are having difficulties setting up your printer to a certain access point, please access the video for the Brother QL-810W here.

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