When you are ready to publish an email, click on the green Publish button.
Publishing is a multi-step process. The settings have been grouped into several cards. Be sure to check each carefully before confirming.
Content Audit
1. Spam score: Check to see how spammy your content is.
2. Links: The Suite will check and validate the links in your email:
- The email contains one unsubscription link (there are some exceptions to this)
- Any Calendar blocks are linked to a calendar in the Events module
- Any RSVP blocks are linked to an event in the Events module
- Any other hyperlinks are correct
3. Dynamic rules: The number of dynamic rules that this email contains.
4. Event: The event, if any, linked to this email. This is required for Invitee Only events.
Choose to send this email now or at a point in the future. If you choose Later, click into the date field to select your date and time:
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Choose the publish settings:
1. Publish to: Choose where to publish the email. Email Only means the email will be delivered to the inbox. Email and Web means the email will be delivered to the inbox and pushed to your subdomain. Web Only means that the email will only be pushed to your account's subdomain e.g. suitetalking.swiftdigital.com.au. More information on customising your email's link can be found here.
2. Social networks: You can share your whole email to Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. Click here for more information.
3. Email format: Set the format for the email. The default is HTML and Text. This means that the email will be published in HTML, with all images, colours, etc. This includes a text only version for anyone in your Mail House who has previously opted to receive text. You can also send it as Text only.
4. Email pre-header: Set the preheader text for the publish. For more information about preheaders, click here.
5. Throttling: Limit the number of emails that are published per hour. The default is None.
6. Send mode: Set the mode of publish. The default is All at once, which means that all the recipient will receive the same subject line, at the same time. If you wish to test out 2 or more subject lines, check A/B testing.
7. Subject line: If you have set the send mode to All at once, you must set a single subject line. If you have set the send mode to A/B testing, you must set 2 subject lines for testing.
Set the sender details for this publish. Account defaults, such as the account name and main account address will be pre-filled. You can overwrite these at any time.
1. Name: Set the sender name.
2. Email address: Set the sender email address.
3. Reply-to address: Set a reply-to address. If this is left blank, the sender address will be used.
Determine who will and who will not receive a copy of this email.
1. Send to: Choose the mail groups or individual email addresses to send this email to.
2. But don't send to: Choose the mail groups or individual email addresses to suppress.
3. Deduplicate based on email address (Transactional Accounts only): This is checked by default and means that duplicates are removed from the recipient list at time of publish. For example: Kate Jones is in two mail groups, and both are on the Send to list. When this setting is enabled,, Kate will be deduplicated and only receive one copy of the email. When this setting is disabled, Kate will receive two copies of the email. For Marketing accounts, deduplication is applied automatically.
Click the green Publish button. A summary will load. Check the settings carefully before confirming the publish.
Important Notes
Check all settings carefully before confirming the publish! If a publish has been scheduled to go out immediately, there is no way to cancel it. Publishes scheduled to go out in the future can be cancelled from the publishing queue.
Any setting marked with a red asterisk* is mandatory and you must complete this in order to publish the email.
Subject lines, preheaders, and sender details can be personalised using data from the Mail House. Click the blue Personalise button to select the field and set an alternative.