Printing Name Labels from the Events App

The events app allows you to wirelessly print name labels for your event attendees. This may be particularly useful for walk-ins (non-registered attendees) where a name tag has not been previously prepared.


Instructions on how to access and install the app can be found here.


There are a number of places from which you can print a name label:

From the Registrant List

To print a name label for an attendee listed in the registration list (as shown, below), simply tap on the 'printer' icon to the right of their name.

This can be done before or after the individual's attendance has been marked.

After Scanning a QR Code

On the confirmation screen after scanning a registrant's QR code, simply tap on the blue 'Print Label' button.

TIP: If you navigate away from this screen before printing the label, simply print from the registrant list (as shown, left).

After Adding an Ad Hoc Registrant

On the confirmation screen after added an Ad Hoc Registrant, simply tap on the blue 'Print Label' button.

app3.PNG scan_QR.PNG Ad_Hoc_registrantadded.png

What kind of printer can I use?

The events app has been optimised for use with the Brother QL-720NW wireless roll printer. You can find a full list of compatible AirPrint printers here.

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