Tracking statistics over time can provide you with valuable insights into both your target audience and your content strategies. To make this easier for you, we've rebuilt the Compare Statistics feature of the Email Composer module.
To get started, go to Email Composer > Reports > Compare Statistics. Choose your folder and time range. You can also search by a keyword from the edition title.
The chart tracks the statistics for Sent, Success, Opened, Bounced, New Subscribers, and Unsubscriptions. Each statistic is indicated by a bright colour, and clicking on it in the key below the chart will remove it. A second click will add it back in.
Hovering over the graph will give you a numerical breakdown of the stats, which can be helpful when you're tracking several editions.
To compare statistics with two or more emails, just check only the ones you want to compare.
Compare as many editions as you like, and each chart will be automatically re-sized to fit the space.
Use the table below the chart to check or uncheck the editions to show. You can also export the stats for the documents you have selected to a CSV.
Once you've tweaked the chart to suit your needs, you can print it, or save it as an image (in a variety of formats) right from the interface.