How to create a Webinar in Zoom?

This article is to be used in conjunction with Zoom integration in the EventsDesk Module

Once Zoom integration has been set up - Zoom Venue types can be created in EventsDesk.

Zoom Venue types will require a Meeting or Webinar ID, to be created in Zoom.


How to create a Zoom Webinar for a Venue

  1. Login to your Zoom account

  2. Click on 'My Account'

3. Select 'Webinars' from the left-hand menu

4. Click the 'Schedule a Webinar' button


5. Input the necessary details for your webinar

     a. Topic e.g Zoom Webinar Integration in Swift Digital

     b. Date and time -

Note: this date and time should also be reflected in your events Start and End time.

     c. Timezone

6. Select the Registration Required checkbox

7. Click on Save button



You must select the Registration Required checkbox in the webinar. Not selecting

this checkbox will result in an error in your registration.


8. Zoom Webinar has been successfully created.


9. Select Email Settings

10. Click on Edit for Confirmation email.


11. Untick the Send Confirmation Email to Registrants checkbox

12. Click on Save button

Now that you created a webinar in Zoom you can go to the next step which is to prepare

your Zoom event venue in the Swift Digital.



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