We have SSO, How do we login to the Swift Digital Events App?

SSO is not configured on the Swift Digital Events App for mobile. Administrators must take lead in ensuring that 'Web Login' is enabled for users who will be using the Swift Events App on mobile devices. 

Firstly,  follow the instruction we have for Downloading and Activating the Swift Events App in this guide here.

Once the Swift Digital Events App has been downloaded to the Mobile device, and an Administrator has configured API Settings on the Administration Module, please follow this guide to allow access to the Swift Digital Events App on a User's device. 


Enable Web Login

For all users who require access to the Swift Events App, a login password must be set.

To create a login password for a user, turn on 'Web Login' and send a 'Reset Password' message.

See the steps below.

On Desktop: 

  1. Go to Administration module > Account users tab 
  2. Search for, and click to view the Users settings 
  3. In User Details, Toggle off "Disable web login" for the mean time.
  4. Then click 'Reset Password' - an email will be sent to the users email address.
  5. Click the 'Update User' button.
  6. If the user is currently logged in to Swift Digital, log out from Swift Digital.
  7. The user must then follow the 'Reset Password' instructions.

  8. Once the users password is successfully set, they can log in to the App.


Logging in to the Events App

If not yet completed, download and activate the app.

On the Swift Digital Events App: 
1. Login using the username and password that you just set up above. 

2. You should be seeing the Events App Dashboard (Today, Tomorrow and Upcoming Events Tab) on your mobile device. 


Disable Swift Events App Access

An Administrator should disable 'Web Login' for those users once access is no longer required. 

For Administrators, on Desktop:

  1. Go to Administration module > Account users tab 
  2. Search for, and click to view the User's settings 
  3. In User Details, Toggle back ON "Disable web login" 
  4. Click the 'Update User' button.


Once 'Web Login' is disabled, the user will no-longer be able to log in to the Swift Events app, or use the main Swift Digital login page - as the password will be removed.

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